Kalle Hoffman


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Kalle Hoffman's Scripts


This perl script creates html files used to view images in a directory hierarchy. The script can be downloaded from my ftp server and example output can be found in my photo album. This script is developed on Linux, Solaris and SCO unix. At one time it ran on windows but has not been test for some time.
    Author:  Kalle Hoffman
    Url:     http://www.kalle.com/scripts.html
    Version: mkindex.pl v1.6.0
    Usage:  /u/kalle/bin/tools/mkindex [options] [dir ...]
    	-a		Turn off software advertisement
    	-b color	Background color (default: )
    	-B b		size of border used with -C (default: )
    	-c i		Number of thumbnails per row (default: 8)
    	-C		Clean index page, no time stamp or image name.
    	-D		Don't display the timestamp
    	-d		Turn on debugging info
    	-h		Print this message
    	-i w,h		width and height of image
    	-I <list>	list of slide show intervals in seconds (2 5 15)
    	-h		Print this message
    	-l		Make the last picture loop back to the first
    	-m		Make thumbnail if needed
    	-p		Suppress previous directory
    	-P prefix	image filename prefix (pic)
    	-r		Recurse directories
    	-s		Run in silent mode
    	-S		Skip this directory
    	-t w,h		Width and height of thumbnails (default: 80,60)
    	-T		Don't print the <h1> title bar on index pages
    	-v		version
    	-x ext		Extention for thumbnails (default is png)
    	If the file "comments" exist in the image directory or the
    	file ".comments" exists in $HOME then key value pairs will
    	be read from the file. The following keys are used by mkindex.
    	====		============
    	#		ignored (comment for comments file)
    	"file.jpg"	comment for the image file "file.jpg"
    	dir		html put in the beginning of the directories
    	dir_		html put in the end of the directories
    	all		html put in the beginning of the body of all files
    	all_		html put at the end of the body of all files
    	base		leading directorys to omit from navagation links
    	prefix		image filename prefix (pic)
    	body		value to put in the body tag of all files
    	exclude		images and directories to be excluded
    	ext		Extention for thumbnails (default is png)
    	favorites	a list of favorite images
    	image		html put in the beginning of the body of image files
    	image_		html put in the ending of the body of image files
    	include		images to be indexed (all images others are excluded)
    	index		html put in the beginning of the body of index files
    	index		html put in the ending of the body of index files
    	interval	list of slide show intervals in seconds (same as the -I option)
    	links_		a link to another web page
    	ncolor		background color of navagation box
    	nodate		Do not display the timestamp (same as the -D option)
    	options		mkindex command line options for this directory
    	steroscope	suffix of steroscope file
    	tcolor		background color of title box
    	title		value put the the top of each 
    	Make large thumbnails. Useful if there are less then 16 images
    	in a directory.
    		mkindex -m -t 160,120 -c 4
    	Recursively create index files of all images with grey backgrounds
    	and make all images display at 800 by 600 pixals.
    		mkindex -r -b #808080 -i 800,
Here's a few site that use mkindex.pl:


    This shell script is used by mkindex and creates a 80x60 image of a gif or jpg. The script can be downloaded from my ftp server and example output can be found in my photo album. This script was developed on Linux, Solaris and SCO unix and hasn't been ported to Windows. The script uses the netpbm package to convert and resize the images.
      usage: mkthumbnail files
              -h h               height of image
              -g                 make a gif thumbnail (default)
              -p                 make a png thumbnail




    DVS is an easy to use web/cgi interface for CVS. You should be using DVS if:

    • You want version control on your web page.
    • You want a web interface to control the content on your web page.
    • You have producers/designers/webmasters creating web content (html, png, jpg, gif, ...)

      Screen Shots